Paley's Story Telling

Paley presents the idea that all children learn innately through story telling.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is so critical in a teaching environment.

Online Teaching Further Examined

After 4 weeks of teaching online I want to highlight that the element of fun in your online teaching is CRITICAL to your class.

Classroom Management for ESL Preschool

A preschool class is hard to control. An ESL preschool class is even more so as your fresh faced students don't understand a single word coming out of your mouth.

Reward and Punishment Systems

A recent theory I had for children is that they either respond to the carrot or stick and you should tailor your management system to the style that works best for them.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Online Teaching ESL Kindergarten

 “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”  - Charles DarwinCovid has changed the world and how some of us have to teach. We can  no longer stand in front of our students and teach them. We need to teach through a computer. This new method of delivery requires a new way of teaching. Those teachers that just teach their online lesson as they would their stand...

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Reward and Punishment Systems

A recent theory I had for children is that they either respond to the carrot or stick and you should tailor your management system to the style that works best for them.For those that don't know the carrot is the idea of a reward motivating a student while the stick is the idea that a punishment motivates the student.There is already a lot of material out there regarding both ideas. The thing is both are said to have negatives. Rewards, students...

Monday, May 10, 2021

Classroom Management for ESL Preschool

A preschool class is hard to control. An ESL preschool class is even more so as your fresh faced students don't understand a single word coming out of your mouth. As a teacher at the start of a new school year you need to introduce your classroom commands. They need to be simple, few and have corresponding actions that naturally show the meaning of what you are saying.Below are my ideas on commands to have, actions to use and why.My rules are: Sit...

Teaching Phonics to PreSchool ESL Students

There are many thoughts on how to teach reading, I'm not going to go into all the different ideas and theories on how to teach reading. ...