Thursday, July 1, 2021

Positive Reinforcement


Positive reinforcement is so critical in a teaching environment. Most ESL teachers would already have some type of reward system and so already provide positive reinforcement. A big follow up question is what does that reward system give the student? Just points/smiley faces/stars for the sake of having the most. Competition is always a motivating factor for children, so it can work, but don't be surprised to find eventually the students no longer care.

Giving out some sort of tangible reward is great. But the reward needs to be something the students want. While students want candy. It's not always the best reward and many parents won't be too happy about their child getting candy everyday. Stickers and stamps are good alternatives. Though for stamps you may want to consider telling students to use a stamp book as once again some parents won't be happy with their kids having stamps all over their hands.

But positive reinforcement is more than just our reward systems. It's providing a constant stream of applause to the students small successful steps in the classroom. Everything is worthy of being praised. A student that would never sit down when asked and now does. Deserve as much praise as the student that picks up a book and starts reading. It's not the level of accomplishment it's that they achieved it.

Lastly, remember these students are young. They are right now forming their inner voice. All teachers should aim to help develop a positive inner voice that will help give them a positive mindset for the future.

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